Contact: (514) 866-6500


Le niobium est un minéral indispensable pour un avenir plus vert. Aujourd'hui, participez à son expansion au Canada.

Why invest in NioBay?

NioBay is a great move if you want to get involved in the area of critical minerals. Niobium will contribute to decarbonizing our economy, in particular by using less steel in the field of construction, and by manufacturing higher capacity accumulators for the electrification of transport.

Proven management

NioBay can count on a team with over 50 years of experience in the niobium industry, giving us a deep understanding of the evolving use, the technical opportunities, and links to existing users in construction along with high technology Green and decarbonization companies that will drive further growth in the niobium market.


We are committed to developing socially and environmentally responsible projects that will provide a long term economic benefits to stakeholders and shareholders.

Engaged with stakeholders

For NioBay, projects need to be worked in agreement with local populations. The company acknowledges the unique cultural and spiritual relationship indigenous communities have to the land. The Company is actively engaging these communities in developing its various projects.


Our team have played integral roles in permitting and building several mines, both in Ontario and in Quebec, including the first diamond mine in Ontario – DeBeers’ Victor Project and Canada’s largest gold mine – Detour Gold.

Strategic partners

Being able to count on solid partners is an essential condition to build strong projects. NioBay is happy to choose partners who have a track record for delivering shovel ready mines on time and under budget and have the financial power to support the development of different projects simultaneously.

High grade rare minerals

Niobium demand is expected to continue its 20 years of annual growth rate (+6%) with its notable stable pricing without the development of niobium batteries. Adding the development of niobium batteries, niobium consumption will more than double in the next ten years.

Geology and Mineralization

The property comprises a nepheline syenite dyke exhibiting pegmatitic texture that stretches more than three kilometers. It hosts a niobium and tantalum mineralization estimated at 25.4 million metric tons of mineralization.

Resource and content: 25,4 Mt @ 0.20% Nb2O5et 234 ppm Ta2O5 (Measured and indicated – SGS July 2010)



The Crevier deposit was discovered in 1974 by SOQUEM. NioBay Metals acquired it in 2008 with the goal to extract both niobium and tantalum. Thanks to the Crevier project, NioBay Metals would become the only producer of niobium oxide and tantalum in North America.

Community relations

A letter was sent to the citizens of the neighboring municipality of Girardville. During the evolution of the project, communications or meetings may be organized.

We carried out advanced prospecting and took surface rock samples in June-July 2022 on our claims located south of Lac à la Truite. A drilling campaign, initially planned for 13 holes totaling 3250 m of drilling, resulted in a campaign of 10 holes for 4,000 m of drilling and was carried out from the beginning of September to the beginning of November. There is currently no field work on the site. The type of mineralization sought in this sector is niobium and tantalum, two metals on the list of strategic metals for Canada.

There are no properties on the site of current and future works. According to the results of the fall 2022 campaign, other drilling will be necessary (of the same type and of the same magnitude) in order to better understand the geology of this sector. A signing of a cooperation agreement with the community of Mashteuiatsh should be done shortly if we want to continue work in 2023.


Update on metallurgical progress at the crevier project, January 2023
Optimisation de la métallurgie du pyrochlore, Février 2022
Digital petrography, December 2022
Carbon Credit Compensation, November 2022
NioBay begins drilling following significant prospecting results on Crevier, September 2022
Presentation, Mining Forum, April 2022 (French only)
Presentation, May 2019
Technical Report, July 2010


Financial report – Annual

Financial report – Q3

Financial report – Q2

Financial report – Q1


Financial report – Annual

Financial report – Q3

Financial report – Q2

Financial report – Q1

Annual Meeting of Shareholders


Financial report – Annual

Financial report – Q3

Financial report – Q2

Financial report – Q1

Annual Meeting of Shareholders